We were glad to participate through a satellite symposium entitled "PSP as biomarker of sepsis and its potential place in the fight against AMR" in the successful 37th Postgraduate Seminar in Medical Biopathology of the Northern Greece Society of Medical Biopathology which took place from 10 - 12 February, 2023.
We would like to thank Dr. Vivian Mantzana, Biopathologist, Director of the Microbiological Laboratory of the "AHEPA" General University Hospital of Thessaloniki who chaired the symposium, as well as Dr João Gonçalves Pereira, Director of Intensive Care Unit, Hospital De Vila Franca De Xira, Portugal who was the speaker. Also, a special thank to Professor Lemonia Skoura, Professor of Medical Biopathology and Microbiology, Director of Microbiology Department of "AHEPA" General University Hospital of Thessaloniki and President of the Northern Greece Society of Medical Biopathology, for the exceptional event and organization.
In his presentation, Dr. Pereira pointed out the prevalence of Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) and how Pancreatic Stone Protein (PSP) "Can support decisions when in doubt to rule-in/ rule-out antibiotics and/or perform cultures/ radiological exams".
Concluding, Dr. Matzana referred to their experience using PSP in the Hospital and how the biomarker help them to make quick and accurate decisions.